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viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Great ShakeOut Goes Great (Simulacro en EEUU)

Last Thursday’s national earthquake drill, the Great ShakeOut, was a great success. Roughly 8.6 million people across several Western states participated in this year’s event with drills, education sessions and emergency exercises.
Many institutions in earthquake country use the ShakeOut event to test their mass notification systems, and this year was no different.  In fact, schools, universities and local government officials used Blackboard Connect to send more than 1.9 million messages or on Thursday, with no significant disruptions in service. That’s a 74 percent increase in traffic over last year!
Many of those calls went out at the same time (between 10 and 11 a.m. Pacific), which made Blackboard Connect’s speed and performance all the more impressive.  In all, our clients sent about 1.2 phone calls, 600,000 emails and 150,000 SMS related to the earthquake events.
In an ironic twist, the Bay Area actually experienced two small earthquakes on Thursday night, further demonstrating the importance of participating in an annual earthquake drill.  To learn how Blackboard Connect can help you enhance emergency preparedness in your community, download the Earthquake Playbook.

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